Snowdrop Belmont

Snowdrop Áine-Fae Belmont is a conceptual multimedia artist.In 2024, they got accepted into the bachelor's and master's Fine Art degree of the Academy of Fine Art Helsinki. With their art they seek to create immersive physical or mental landscapes. They are exhibited widely and have won awards.

Ikä: 21

Alla olevat sosiaalisen median linkit avautuvat uuteen ikkunaan.


Voice art, Acrylic painting, Acrylic painting, Movie, Filmi, Installation art, Painting, Mediataide, Mixed media, Ompelu, Performance, Political art, Taiteilijakirja, Dance, Textile art, Installation art, Photography, Sculpture, Watercolor painting, Video, Virkkaus


Abstract, Arki, Life, Identity, People, Kaunis, luonnos, Masennus, Mental health, Change, Mythology, Self-portrait, Perhe, politics, Pride, Art


2023: Exhibited at TAMK Video Installations in Tampere

2024: Won 1st place in the Digital Big Screen 360 competition in Slovenia.

2024: Performed in the Performance Art Festival (PAU!) in Helsinki.

2024: Exhibited at Mylly pop up in The Academy of Fine Arts, Helsinki.

2024: Performed at the bachelor graduation ceremony of The Academy of Fine Arts, Helsinki.

2024: Performed at the Christmas market of The Academy of Fine Arts, Helsinki.

2025: Screenings at Red Rose Cinema in Helsinki

2025: Exhibited at Feeniks Cafe in Helsinki.


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