A Place and Its People

Teoksen valmistumisvuosi:





Arki, City, Life, People


A place and its people is a short art documentary made by me and translated with the help of Miranda Klockars. In May 2024, during the admission course of the Academy of Fine Art, Helsinki, I made this artwork inspired by a popular market square in Helsinki called, Häkäniemi. This video is a celebration of the people who make the square what it is. I also collected items from each individual I spoke to. From the flower shop, I bought a flower, from the cafe, I bought a Helsinki donut, and from the potato shop, I received potatoes. The items collected were placed close by while the audience was encouraged to watch the video and look at the objects and how they are connected to the video. A great thank you to the individuals in the video. The video is available with English, Finnish, and Swedish subtitles. You can watch the video on Youtube.

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