Lenke Lamm

I'm a comic artist, zine maker and graphic designer with a love for colourful markers and people.Through my art, I explore themes of the human body, queerness, the sublime, death, and roots.

Ikä: 24

Alla olevat sosiaalisen median linkit avautuvat uuteen ikkunaan.


Analog photography, Taideohjaus, Sarjakuva, Muotoilu, Digitaalinen maalaus, Piirtäminen, Taidegrafiikka, Graafinen suunnittelu, Kuvittaminen, Kirjoittaminen, maalitussit, Metalligrafiikka


Keho, Kuolema, Tunteet, Feminismi, Identiteetti, Lapsuus, Elämä, Mental health, Mielenmaisema, Perhe, Perinteet, Pride, Self-love, Seksuaalisuus, Spirituaalisuus


Originally from Hungary, I earned my graphic design degree from Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design in 2023, where I discovered my love for zines and art books. My work has been featured in exhibitions, residencies, anthologies, and magazines, including the WOMCOM (Women Power in Comics) catalogue, the Metamorphoses 2 anthology (Ciceró Publishing), and the Queer Days Zine (Cinema Niche), alongside my own self-published works.

You can find my publications in various cafés and bookstores in and near Hungary, such as ISBN+ gallery and Massolit café in Budapest, and EZ-AZ Bookstore in Komárno. My true passion lies in experimenting with printing and bookbinding techniques while connecting with other artists, which is why you’ll seem me at design fairs and DIY events in Finland. I’ve grown a lot through my connection with Femicomix Finland, and you can find my work at their table at various events as well.

I have worked as a printshop assistant and course teacher at Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design, as well as an art director. Now, I work as a freelance graphic designer, illustrator, and UI/UX designer. When I’m not busy drawing silly characters in my sketchbook, I love organizing workshops and events.

In the future, I hope to focus more on teaching while continuing to grow in my craft.


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